Friday, April 30, 2010

Why do people expect others to conform to their ideas of decent or proper? I respect someone who has the courage to speak what's on their mind and the confidence to defend their point of view, whatever it may be. I may not always agree with it (chances are I won't) but at least I'll respect your point of view and the passion you exude to uphold it. I work with a group of people who are so afraid of pissing each other off, no one will say what they really mean or think about anything and in situations like that nothing will ever change, at least not for the better. And I'm not saying that fear doesn't have it's place. It can keep you from doing stupid and dangerous things but to much can keep you from doing ANYTHING at all. That's no way to live. People tell me to just go with the flow, keep my head down and just shuffle through it, that it's the easiest way to survive. I happen to believe ,however, that there's a thin line between being meek and passive and being weak and cowardly.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This is my first ever blog. Why you ask. Well I was sitting in my living room thinking about the current state of my life and wondering what the hell I'm doing. Why am I here? What am I really suppose to be doing with my life? What can I do to change my status? Start A Blog. How will this help me you ask. I'll be glad to tell you...well, as soon as I figure it out. All I know is that a lot of crazy shit goes through my mind on a regular basis and I don't always feel comfortable sharing the inner most secrets from the dark recesses of my mind with my family and friends because quite frankly I would like to keep them as my family and friend. So I guess this blog is a way for my to say out loud what usually only spoken in my minds internal monologue. So, if you feel like me and just want to let what's inside out, blog away. By the way, I'm pretty open minded when it comes to pretty much everything so just about no topic is off limits. And if anyone crosses a line I'll be sure to let it be known.