Thursday, September 9, 2010

What's New

It's been a while since I posted anything. Life and all that. What's been going on with me you ask? Or better yet what's been on my mind? A whole heel of a lot. I'm really to make a big change but I don't know exactly what I want that change to be. Although I know one thing for sure. I am defiantly ready for a career move. I don't mind my job all that much actually. It's the kind of organization I work for. They talk a good game about their mission and hopes for the future but its all about not making waves, pissing people off, hurting feeling and let us not forget kissing the right ass. None of which I'm particularly good at. I want to my work to matter. I want to be apart of something that's going to leave a mark. I want that I can't wait to get to work feeling and at the end of a long day, filled with all kinds of confusions and frustrations, when I'm dead on my feet, I want a warm satisfied feeling of pride that I did my best and more importantly, I loved doing it. Now some people say that you're suppose to bring all that to work with you and I agree to a point. But what they don't say is that depending on who you working with and for, all that optimism can be sucked right out of you and you end up like the rest of the "do just a enough to get by" employees: the people who have made so many personal and professional compromises, slowly chipping away at who they were, so that alls left is a shadow, a hollow shell of the people they use to be. I refuse to end up empty, unfulfilled and so so. Maybe I want to much...... Naaaa. Wanting is what keeps you moving forward. it's the thing that feeds dreams. It's the fuel that keeps the fires of hope burning and what would a world be without hope? Hope can change to course of lives. It can change hearts and minds and best of it's completely free. So no matter what you go through, however hard it gets don't ever let anyone or thing take away your Hope.

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